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past prosecutor MN Senator Klobuchar Disappoints Anti-Torture Group

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annm4peace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-29-10 12:19 AM
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past prosecutor MN Senator Klobuchar Disappoints Anti-Torture Group
video of the group discuss their meeting with Klobuchar

( the people interviewed in this video have been extremely active in going to the Senators and Representative's offices. sending letters, having numerous protests, including organizing 72 people in orange jumpsuits and black hoods walking through downtown with signs around their necks of the torture that happened to different detainees)
(Many think Sen Klobuchar is liberal but it is evident she isn't, she can't even call for the prosecution of one of the most heinous war crimes)

Senator Klobuchar declined to make any major commitment to act; she did promise to consider sending a written question to the Attorney General after the next review meeting by the Judiciary Committee. She did not want to spend any of her limited direct time with this issue.

Members of, “Tackle Torture at the Top,” met with Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar on November 24. The meeting had been requested about a year ago and it was preceded by a meeting with her staff the week before.

This group, an amalgamation of many Twin Cities peace groups, delivered a plea to the Senator as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, intervene with the Dept of Justice to pursue and prosecute the crimes of torture committed by senior government officials including George W. Bush. Bush, currently on a book tour, has stated publicly that he authorized torture, specifically waterboarding.

The group cited issues of international law, the fact that torture is a crime that transcends national borders and that prosecution for torture may be initiated by any prosecutor in any country. There is also the documented fact that torture trickles down, those trained in torture transfer that skill to other jobs. It takes many years to remove the effect of torture practice as has been demonstrated in several Latin America countries. The price of US refusal to prosecute the war crime of torture is a serious loss national prestige and the moral high ground. It is also an excuse for increased terrorist activity.
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The Velveteen Ocelot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-29-10 12:21 AM
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1. "Senator Klobuchar declined to make any major commitment to act."
That's Amy for ya. She rarely makes any major commitments to do anything. She's pretty useless.
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dflprincess Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-29-10 10:56 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. That really says it all, doesn't it?
Though I'll bet she'll be okay with prosecuting Wikileaks.
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annm4peace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-30-10 12:57 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. Yes.. she said on WCCO today that Bradley Manning deserves life in Prison
Klobuchar calls for tough punishment of Wikileaks and life for Bradley. Amazing.. she basically thinks Wikileaks and Bradley Manning are criminals. Yet Bush, the Administation are not deemed bad enough for investigation or punishment.

Email or call Klobuchar condemning her remarks;

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peacetalksforall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-29-10 01:20 AM
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2. So, tonight I read about Hillary and stealing UN DNA. Now, Amy. Amy Klobuchar is no Amy Goodman.
Edited on Mon Nov-29-10 01:21 AM by peacetalksforall
What an utter disappointment.
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mediaman007 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-30-10 12:05 AM
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4. She's a one -term senator.
Lots of liberals will be disenchanted, while the Republicans will tear her apart. She might as well become more liberal, because the Republicans will claim that she's a socialist anyway.
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Owl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-30-10 08:43 PM
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6. Klobuchar IS a disappointment.
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