Tuesday, November 30 · 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Senator Klobuchar's Office
1200 Washington Ave S.
Minneapolis, MN
On 11/29 Minnesota Senator Klobuchar told WCCO radio that she wanted to see wikileaks "take the information off the site" and a prison term for life would be approrpriate for Bradley Manning.
Link to interview:
http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2010/11/29/klobuchar-calls-for-tough-punishment-over-wikileaks/So we're taking the Wikileaks information "off the site" and bringing it to her Minnesota office!
Join us to hand out free DVDs with wikileaks documents including some of the newly released US embassy cables, Afghan War Diary, Insurance File and the classic Collateral Murder Video (full and short versions).
Look for a sign saying "Free Classified Information".
We also have a limited supply of Free Bradley Manning Buttons and pamphlets. If you ask nice, you may get one.
(yes, this is last minute but feel free to join us if you are available).