U.S. Rep.-elect Chip Cravaack has overcome whatever qualms he had about the new terminal project at Duluth International Airport, according to airport officials and Cravaack’s staff.
Cravaack, a Republican from Lindstrom, Minn., sparked concern in some quarters after the election when he questioned the need for Duluth transportation projects such as the airport terminal and the proposed Northern Lights Express passenger train.
In an interview with the News Tribune the day after the election, Cravaack said he wasn’t sure the new terminal was needed: “Even the people that work at the airport are kind of questioning it,” Cravaack said at the time. “Do we need it? Again, is it a need, or a want?”
But Cravaack, who was assigned Thursday to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, endorsed the terminal project when he met with airport officials last week, said Brian Ryks, director of the Duluth Airport Authority.
http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/186728/I'll be darned! Sweet bippy, I hate this guy.