Joel Albers 612- 384-0973
Roger Cutherbertson 954- 474-2476
Minneapolis, MN This Sunday, December 19, 2010, at 12 noon, there will be a protest on the ice of Lake Minnetonka at the $7.8 million stone mansion of Stephen Hemsley. Protesters will gather nearby at 11:30AM at Ferndale and Shoreline (see directions below) and hike along the lake to the Mansion. After studying the new federal health care law, the so called Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, PL111-148, enacted March 23, 2010, it is clear that the law is replete with loopholes, cost-shifting, and lacks accountability, and enforcement allowing the huge insurance, drug and device monpolies to more firmly entrench their hold on pricing, premiums,patents and profiteering.
We will underscore the fundamental principle, that Health Care is a right not a privilege and we are, frankly, angry that reforms coming out of Washington were dictated by health and pharmaceutical industries through lobbying dollars.There will be a speak out by a doctor, a pharmacist, concerned citizens, bannering, a campfire,songs/chanting and a shanty ice tent drawing the stark contrast between the haves and the have-nots. One of our organizers just yesterday spoke with a man who is about to lose his house, because his wife had an organ transplant and all of their money went for medical bills. But this is nothing new and will continue, despite the federal law.
Stephen Hemsley is the CEO of the largest health insurance company in the United States, United Health Group, headquartered in MNTKA, Minnesota. Hemsley was paid a salary of $$101 million in 2009, with estimated $3/4 billion in stock options in United Health Group approaches the stunning figure of $1.6 billion of Hemsley’s predecessor, William McGuire. Protesters feel that people like Hemsley are directly responsible for the health care mess that we are in.
We continue to tirelessly demand a national Medicare For All single-payer health care system and that it is time for the states to take matters into their own hands through single payer reform at the state level in the form of the Minnesota Health Plan.
This event is sponsored by Universal Health Care Action Network of MN. www.uhcan-mn.org, our 12th demonstration of United Health Group since 2005.
We are going to meet at the corner of Ferndale Rd. W. and Shoreline Drive in Wayzata at 11:30AM before beginning our hike along Lake MNTKA.
Directions: Most people will be coming from points east of Lake Minnetonka, such as Minneapolis. Get on interstate 394 and head west. Go past the intersection of 494. As 394 gets near the town of Wayzata, there is a big sign that says END 394. Now you are on hwy 12 still heading west. From that sign it is about 3 miles to County Road 15. (You will have bypassed Wayzata and will have passed both 101 S and 101 N.). Exit to the right on County Road 15. County Road 15 joins up with Shoreline Drive. From that turnoff from 12 onto 15 it is 2.2 miles to Ferndale Road West. You turn onto Ferndale Road West and park immediately. There is space for about 4 cars that has been more or less cleared of snow. Having a shovel in the car in case you get stuck would be a good idea. It will also be possible to park on the wide shoulder of Shoreline Drive right near Ferndale Road West.
If for some reason you get lost and end up in downtown Wayzata here is how to get to the protest: Head west on the main street in Wayzata (Lake Street). From the RR depot on the left to Ferndale road it is 1.9 miles. Head west to the end of downtown. The main road turns left, crosses the RR tracks, then turns right. Now the road is called Shoreline Drive. Continue to the intersection with Ferndale Road West.
Hiking directions for anyone who wants to join us late, you can follow our footprints in the snow.
For our hike to the mansion we will walk a few hundred feet to the east on Ferndale Road West. At the place where the lake is closest to the road, where access is possible without walking on private property, we will exit the road to the right, get on the lake, and follow the shore of the lake to the south, then mostly east until we get to the mansion. This hike would be about ¾ mile at the most. For those who come late, you will see us out on the ice, once the shoreline bends towards the east and past a small point that blocks the view.