To the editor: Some questions as we begin 2001:
1. When will the Star Tribune, Minnesota's largest newspaper, connect the dots between two of its recent stories: our famed Red Bull Minnesota National Guard division going back to Afghanistan for another tour and the report that Afghanistan premier Karzai has flat-out refused our request that he dismiss cabinet member Khan who has earned the title of "most corrupt" in the corruption-ridden Karzai regime and is in charge of $2 billion of our tax dollars.( In Minnesota terms, that's enough to build two stadiums with retractable roofs for Vikings owner Zygi Wilf.)
2. When will we taxpayers get so outraged at the way Karzai manipulates our rookie Democrat President and his staffers that we continue to send brave troops for an ill-defined but most certainly hopeless cause draining the treasury and playing a huge role in our terribl economy?
3. When will we gather en masse for a peaceful demonstration at The White House and Capitol and demand an immediate end to our presence in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and wherever else Julian Assange has discovered new, secret American wars? Obama's accomplishments aside, and they are considerable if not enough for some of us (the wars continue; no single-payer), is he up to dealing with the people who run Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Israel, not to mention the Republicans?
4.. At the very least, we must contact Mr. Obama, his cabinet and our Congresspeople and demand an immediate end to these illegal, immoral wars and insist on immediate prosecution of their instigators, Pres. Bush, V.P. Cheney and their henchpersons who must be tried for the mass murderers and war criminals that they are.
If you have a better way of starting the new year, please tell us all.
Willard B. Shapira Roseville MN