Protest set for Saturday in Hudson 17 February 2011 HUDSON, Wis. - Public employees and their families, friends, and neighbors will be conducting a protest picket Saturday, Feb. 19, in Hudson, Wis., "to bring attention to the historic and extreme reversal of worker's rights being railroaded through the Wisconsin Legislature." The event begins at 10 a.m. and runs until 6 p.m. at the Carmichael Road bridge over Interstate 94. (It's the second exit heading east on I-94, after you cross the St. Croix River from Minnesota.)
"We are joining other working families in communities around the state in similar protests over the attempt to destroy our voices in our workplaces," organizers of the event said. "Fifty years of good faith negotiations are being destroyed in less than a week's time. This will take us back decades in worker's rights advancement and affect not only public employees, but private sector employees long term."
AFSCME Council 5, which represents 43,000 workers in Minnesota, including 1,300 members who live in Wisconsin, is urging members to attend.
“Unions have been part of every struggle for civil rights and economic justice,” said Eliot Seide, executive director of Council 5. “We won’t be destroyed by Gov. Walker. Minnesota Council 5 stands in solidarity with our union brothers and sisters in Wisconsin. We will fight until we win.”