Edited on Fri Mar-18-11 08:58 PM by annm4peace
Saturday, March 19 Rally: “Bring the Troops Home Now! Out of Afghanistan! End, Don't Extend War!"
1:00 p.m. Gather Martin Luther King Community Center, 270 North Kent Street, St. Paul
1:30 p.m. March Through the streets
2:15 p.m. Rally Minnesota State Capitol, 75 Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, St. Paul
Join others as they gather in cities throughout the nation to speak out against the war economy. "Out of Afghanistan; Say No to New Wars in Pakistan, Yemen, Iran, Africa, Korea...; End U.S. Aid to the Occupation of Palestine; Opposing War is Not a Crime; Being Muslim is Not a Crime; Stop Attacks on Civil Liberties and Democratic Rights!"
Sponsored by: the Iraq Peace Action Coalition (IPAC).
March together to demand:
Bring the Troops Home Now Out of Afghanistan – End the War – Don’t Extend it! All U.S. Troops Out of Iraq How is the war economy working for you? Funds for Jobs, Housing, Health Care & Veterans Benefits, Not War! Say No to new U.S. wars in Pakistan, Yemen, Iran, Africa, Korea… End U.S. aid to the occupation of Palestine Opposing War is Not A Crime – Being Muslim is Not a Crime – Stop Attacks on Civil Liberties and Democratic Rights
You can join different contigency:
Bring your pots and pans to bang in the "Molly Ivins Brigade". We will be ahead of the marchers banging pots and pans to wake up the people.
Dress in your finest, your boas and tiaras to join the "Billionaires for the War".. who will advocate more money for the war machines.
Put on your orange jumpsuits and black hoods to march with "Tackle Torture at The Top" to remind others our tax dollars are funding Guantanamo and torture.
Lastly join the "Stop the FBI" supporters, look for the banner, orange "witch hunt" flags.
We hope this will be the largest march we have had since before the wars.
And after the rally
3:30 pm Concert Fundraiser at the Black Dog Café. After the March 19th rally, come to the Black Dog Café, Lowertown, St. Paul for a concert fundraiser (aprox. 3:30 pm to 8 pm) to help us fundraise for a bus to New York City's national march on April 9th. The "Dachshund Brigade" anti-folk ragtime duo, acoustic guitar of Jack Ventimiglia and Stringbeans, Garbanzo and Chick Pea are on the music tap at the Black Dog from 3:30 pm to 8 pm!