Edited on Sat Mar-19-11 03:12 PM by MineralMan
It's been there for years, but nobody ever goes to Baudette, so it remains little known. If you go there, try the third stall in the Men's room at the Baudette International Airport (BDE). Just as a matter of interest, it's an international airport because they have a couple of charter flights a day into Canada. Wave your hand three times in front of the infrared flusher and you'll be transported. The last time I tried it, though, I ended up in the same place I started, but the walls in the room were slighly greener. I couldn't tell much of a difference between the two universes. I suppose there might have been a different result on another try, but I was content with the new color, so I left.
Who knows, though...you might have different results and end up in a better universe. Good luck!
P.S.: There are no regularly scheduled airline flights in or out of BDE, so you can't get to that international airport on any airline. Odd, that. You can go to International Falls, though, and rent a car and drive to Baudette to use the inter-universal portal there.