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Afghan heroine Malalai Joya comes to speak in Mpls today and not one News outlet reports it

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annm4peace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-01-11 08:35 AM
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Afghan heroine Malalai Joya comes to speak in Mpls today and not one News outlet reports it

Press releases were sent over a month ago, and again when Joya was denied a Visa and then again when she received a Visa.

Tickets were sent to our Senators and Reps. Calls were made to local news outlets including NPR.
MPR declined to interview her because they didn't think her English was good enough.

Yet she was interview on national Democracy Now without an interpretor and we could understand her just fine.

I personally emailed WCCO, TPT, Fox9, Kare11, several Reporters and tipline to Star Tribune and Pioneer Press.

The only radio who is interviewing her before the event is 950AM radio and KFAI .

I wonder if this is how Martin Luther King was treated in other countries.

Trillions of our Tax dollars have been wasted in AFghanistan and has cause so much bloodshed.

So many troops from MN and WI have died in Afghanistan.

Even more tax dollars are sent as USAID to Afghanistan and ends up keeping the Warlords in power and thus causing more hardship and terror for women and girls in Afghanistan.

Shame on the news for ignoring Malalai' Joya's visit and keeping American's ignorant

Young women who are middle school age and older and Women and those who care about what happens in Afghanistan should come hear Malalai. Her book is for young women.. it is like reading about Harriet Tubman

What: Malalai Joya: A Woman Among Warlords
When: Friday April 1 at 7 pm
Where: St Joan of Arc Church, 4537 3rd Ave South, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Co-sponsors: Women Against Military Madness and the Twin Cities Peace Campaign.
For more info and tickets (@$10 each): contact TCPC at 612-522-1861 or 612-827-5364 or visit

I have read about Malalai since she spoke out in Afghanistan Parliament. She bravely spoke out.. she was in her 20’s. I then found out she used to secretly taught girls during the Taliban.
She continues to speak out and risk her life so that girls and women will be educated and receive human rights. She is like the Harriet Tubman of our time. She constantly risks her life to bring freedom and education to others in her country. It is one of the Golden Opportunities since one of the attempts on her life will succeed.

I purchase her book at MayDay Books "Women Among Warlords" on Sat and have been reading it.. it is a simple autobiography and I’m about ¼ through.. 50 pages of 230page.. and they mostly consist of what her father did so his daughters could receive education although it risked their lives and how she accepted being sent into Afghanistan to teach girls in secret. her family went with her and how they worked together all the while know they would be killed if the Taliban found out. When you listen to all the hate and cuts to our US education system and teachers… it really makes you sick.. especially when realize what these young girls risk by just trying to learn to read and write.. and then teach their mothers to read and write.. and how boys and others do what they can to protect, hide, and help her teach.

Last night the section I read (I'm now 1/2 through it) was it was about how she got to the Parliament and when she spoke out and called out all the Kari appointees who were brutal warlords.. and how they tried to kill her at that time. Also about all the Afghanis who cheered her and came to meet her and encourage her to keeps speaking out. It reminded me of what I read about Harriet Tubman. It is amazing we have an opportunity to meet such a brave hero.

You will learn about Afghanistan that we never get to hear about.

You can read more about her here:

And see today’s interview with Malalai Joya on Democracy Now.. you can watch or read the transcripts.

to learn more about the women and their fighting for their rights in Afghanistan /

You can buy her book at MayDay Books on Cedar if you don't make the event.
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ISUGRADIA Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-03-11 07:18 PM
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1. If she was a reality celeb like
Snooki, whose claim to fame is being foul mouthed, stupid and drunk on the Jersey Shore, they'd be all over the event. Shows our screwed up priorities.
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