As Minnesota's state senate debates a public school funding bill that would remove funding from integration programs in the major cities of Minneapolis-St. Paul and Duluth and shift it to a statewide literacy drive, one freshman Republican has been particularly blunt in his opinions.
“I watched Minneapolis get destroyed,” Sen. Dan Hall stated on Thursday, "so I not only didn’t want my kids in the school system, I took them out of Minneapolis because they ruined our neighborhoods with integration and segregation."
"My best friends are minority, they think integration in foolish," Hall insisted. "It’s a ploy to get more money. ... It’s disrespectful to tell my friends, my minority friends that they can’t make it without extra special help.”....
...Sen. Hall, however, attempted to cast his position as arising out of his deep concern for literacy, "I am a product of the Minneapolis school system," he explained, "completing all of my years, all the different schools. I graduated with a 6th grade reading ability(*). I struggled my whole life. We need to teach kids how to read.”
(*) That explains a lot.
Pity me. I live in this clown's district (SD40 Bloomington/Burnsville). At least Bloomington narrowly voted for the DFL incumbant, it was the idiots in Burnsville that elected this guy.
From Hubert Humphrey telling us to "walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights" to this.