I just completed a survey for my MN state representative, so he can be informed as to what the voters want. The questions are loaded, and I'm sure a couple are actually lies. I'd like to know if others have seen similar survey questions. I am so fed up with crap like this....
#10 Do you agree with Governor Dayton’s decision to enroll Minnesota in a federal health care program at a cost of more than $1 billion to state taxpayers? ( A LIE! To the best of my knowledge this brings in $1 billion from the fed and costs us under 1 million. Am I wrong?)
#2 If you chose to raise taxes or a combination of both, which taxes should we raise? Property taxes Income taxes on everyone Income taxes on families making $50,000 or more Sales taxes (NO ONE EVER PROPOSED INCOME TAXES AT THIS LEVEL! Dayton proposed on top 5% of taxpayers. This implies Dem want to raise middle class tax rates. Property taxes on homes over $1 million was also proposed, not for all, which will happen anyway just like with Pawlenty.)
#11 Which health care option is better: A competitive environment giving you more health care choices, or a government controlled program giving you one choice? ( A LIE! 1 choice?? Does he understand the bill??)
#7 Should Minnesota government pass tax relief to let families and individuals keep more of their money, and to encourage businesses to expand and create more jobs? Yes No No opinion (Republican plan for tax relief is $12 for an income of #30,000. Whoo-hoo! I can buy 3.3 more gallons of gas this year!)