* I just found out about this Hunger Strike tonight and thought I would share with others.
“Every night, we are surrounded by food as we clean the grocery stores in our community. Yet often we cannot afford to put enough food on the table for our own families.”
May 24, 2010, Hunger Strike Day 4
The workers who clean Cub Foods Stores have staged a year-long effort to get better working conditions and better pay. Cub has refused to meet with representatives of CTUL (Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en Lucha – Center for Workers United in Struggle). Instead Cub attorneys in refusing to meet with the representatives, issued a letter banning CTUL people from all the areas around Cub Foods, including Target, Dollar Store and the public sidewalks and boulevards. CTUL, with the support of many community organizations has organized an open-ended hunger strike in front of the store at 2850 26th Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN, near Hiawatha and Lake.
Minnesota Senator Patricia Torres Ray joined hunger strikers for the “Faith Ally Day of Action”, and spoke powerfully about the importance of workers’ rights for a strong democracy: “I think we forgot, or lost track, of what workers’ rights are all about. And now we are beginning to understand
Friday, May 20, 11am Press Conference, Corner of Minnehaha and Lake
Saturday, May 21, 10:30am Rally at Capitol, then 12-1pm Launch of Hunger Strike at the Corner of Minnehaha and Lake
Saturday, May 21-?? 10am and 5pm actions every day
Examples of some of the actions taking place after May 22 include:
Sunday, May 22, 12:00pm, Tune into “La Voz del Pueblo”, a new program on KFAI 90.3fm coordinated by CTUL and Mujeres en Liderazgo.
Monday, May 23, 5pm, Student day of action, Minnehaha and Lake.
Tuesday, May 24, 5pm, Vigil, Minnehaha and Lake.
Wednesday, May 25, 5pm, Labor day of action, Minnehaha and Lake.
Thursday, May 26, 11am Receipts for Rights Action, meet at Minnehaha and Lake
Saturday, May 28, 7pm, Wild Cat Cabaret, Holy Trinity Church (2730 E 31st St, Minneapolis, MN)
Sunday, May 29, 12:00pm, Tune into “La Voz del Pueblo”, a new program on KFAI 90.3fm coordinated by CTUL and Mujeres en Liderazgo.
More coming soon…