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The leaked MN GOP memo on the budgets requirements look like A.L.E.C bills

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annm4peace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-03-11 12:12 AM
Original message
The leaked MN GOP memo on the budgets requirements look like A.L.E.C bills
When you look at the leaked MN GOP memo that shows their conditions of what bills the Gov has to sign for them to come to the table,
you can see how much they are influenced or actually controlled by A.L.E.C.

We need to share the connection of bill templates on the Corporation controlled A.L.E.C. and the bills the MN Legislature want passed.

“This bill makes it perfectly clear that Minnesota Republicans choose to protect big business and insurance companies rather than defend the rights of Minnesotans,” said Sen. Latz.

Besides sharing this info with our Friends and family in MN we need to email talk radio, and local TV and newspapers. Post the info in comment sections of the online papers and websites.

We have expose to Corporate Ghost writers Al.E.C. again and again so people realize these shut downs and tactics are about selling off our government to private companies.

I was trying to search for MN Legislative members: from what is already on this thread and a little more here is what we have so far.
Please add if you know of other members or call your state Rep and Senators and ask if they are an A.L.E.C member and if so have the used an A.L.E.C template to write a MN bill.

Speaker of the House Kurt Zellers (R) although he qualifies himself by saying that he has "not been very active in ALEC."

Sen. Mike Parry (R)
Sen. John Sterling Howe (R)
Sen. Chris Gerlach (R)
Rep. Paul Anderson (R)
Rep. Mike Benson (R)
Rep. Steve Drazkowski (R)
Rep. Sondra Erickson (R)
Rep. Mary Kiffmeyer (R) MN State Chair
Rep. Joyce Peppin (R)
Rep. LInda Runbeck (R)
Rep. Ron Shimanski (R)
Rep. Matt Dean (R)
Sen. Gen Olson (R) former MN State Chair

Representative Tom Emmer
Minnesota House District 19B (he used the A.L.E.C. privatizing prisons bill)
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annm4peace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-03-11 12:13 AM
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1. previous posting on A.L.E.C and MN Legislature
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tb1988 Donating Member (72 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-03-11 05:38 PM
Response to Original message
2. It's great that Latz spoke out against ALEC.
The media has been grossly negligent. So much for any real reporting - the mainstream media NEVER mentions ALEC.
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