Meeting: Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer’s New Priorities Project
Thursday, August 11, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 2730 East 31st Street, Minneapolis. Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer is starting a grassroots movement to call attention to the relationship between federal spending priorities for war and budget cuts and reduced living standards in Minnesota. Although the federal budget is a separate entity from state, county, and city budgets, military spending priorities at the national level negatively impact budgets and quality of life at all levels of government and society. This is especially so on educational issues. Please come to an organizational meeting that will build support statewide from representatives at all levels of government and from non-governmental organizations and civic groups to pressure Minnesota's Congressional Delegation in Washington, D.C. and President Barack Obama to shift funding priorities from war to meeting essential needs. FFI: Email Carol cmasters@bitstream.net.