In the aftermath of the frequency flip which puts KFAN on FM and sends the crybaby conservatives to the AM ghetto, thought I'd share some of the brainpower of the station's Facebook fans. Amazing that these tools have no idea how to tune in to the AM band. is dumb.... i cant listen to you guys on AM it SUCKS..... why did the switch happen in the first place? KTLK has way more listeners then KFAN..... I want to know this is happening... and who ordered it. sounds like someone wants to silence talk radio...
Well If KTLK doesnt fix the problem its time to email Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. If enough of us e mail maybe our voices will be heard! That Is how I started my day
Yeah we all know the radio sucks w/e they will sort it out (I hope sooner then later) more importantly whats Obama doing in Minnesota doesn't he have jobs to create stuff to do at the office? Rather then come here and Campaign on our dime. Or blah blah blah read the teleprompter this guy has no personality at all. If he seriously wanted to boost the economy he would work on getting some oil drilled in Alaska and the gulf and drop the price of gas thru the floor so the low income family's wouldn't be paying 20% of their pay check just to drive to work. (not to mention creating the jobs to get the drilling done.
This is unbeliveable! Free speech is nearly silenced for meaningless, insignificant sports! Talk about dumbing down America! Thanks Clear Channel, Sellouts!
This stinks did the liberals steal your bandwidth?
Obama win's - the cowardly General manager won't answer his phone - call and complain to anyone who will listen - 952-417-3000.
You better take the 100.3 off your header, and I am taking you off all my radio pre-sets as 1130 and 103.5 don't come in worth crap on my radios
I will be sending notes to the talk radio people I listen to telling them their rates should be cut as we can't listen to them anymore.
What freakin' libtard genius is in charge over there, kfan? REALLY!
Every piece of liberal media in the state is loving this - just ignore the 6539 people on Facebook alone (not to mention all of the others) who used to like KTLK. They wanted to gag conservative talk radio, looks like they've succeeded.
funny part is Clear Channel is owned by Bain Capital.. that's Romney's group lol. I guess he wasn't getting favorable coverage so maybe he had them pull the plug !