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Michele Bachmann's campaign manager and deputy campaign manager quit

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Eric J in MN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-11 10:30 AM
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Michele Bachmann's campaign manager and deputy campaign manager quit

Michele Bachmann’s presidential campaign saw a major shakeup on Monday as her campaign manager and deputy campaign manager quit. Ed Rollins, who said he was leaving the campaign for health reasons, and David Polyansky both wished the campaign well in several media appearances Monday evening. The shakeup comes at an unfortunate time for Bachmann, whose campaign has been pushed to the middle of the Republican pack by Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s recent announcement of a run for the nation’s highest office.

“I wish I was 40 years old, but I’m not,” Rollins told Politico which broke the story Monday evening. “I’m 68 years old, I had a stroke a year and a half ago. I’m worn out. I want nothing but the best for her, she’s a great candidate, I’ll continue to be there for her.”

Politico also reported that Polyansky is quitting. “I wish Michele nothing but the best, and anyone who underestimates her as a candidate does so at their own peril,” Polyansky told Politico.

The move comes a day after Rollins told the Washington Post that the campaign had lost its top-tier status. “The Perry-Romney race is now the story, with us the third candidate,” Rollins said.
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loveable liberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-11 04:45 AM
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1. Maybe someone should offer shelly some shrubs...
to hide behind.
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Mnpaul Donating Member (754 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-11 05:20 PM
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2. We have to get a screenshot of tonite's debate
A shrub photoshopped in will be great humor.
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