(it is a busy week)
Anti-Torture Candlelight Vigil dedicated to detainees and victims of torture authorized by George Bush!
Wednesday, September 21, 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Beth El Synagogue, public sidewalk area along parking lot,
5224 West 26th Street , St. Louis Park .
(This is the same synagogue that hosted Condi Rice a couple years ago and we hope to protest in approximately the same area.)
Has Beth El Synagogue sold out? I’m referring of course, to their 250 tickets ranging from silver to platinum level ($1200 to $3600) that Synagogue leaders predicted would sell out quickly for their “intimate evening” with George Bush.
In any event, while the Synagogue’s “silver to platinum level” ticket holders go inside to enjoy their hors d’oeuvres and photo-ops with George Bush, we will be outside yelling “SHAME!”
Of more interest to the press and general public, might be the question of why Bush was forced to abruptly cancel his Toronto appearance at Tyndale University College and Seminary, an appearance set for September 20th, the day before Bush’s trip to the St. Louis Park Synagogue.
Apparently news of Bush’s visit to Tyndale generated strident student and faculty dissent (see articles and petition below) so naturally much curiosity now exists as to whether Bush’s war crimes might finally be catching up with him. When will Bush be “”Pinocheted” (as other commentators have put it)?
So join us… we need you at our candlelight vigil to protest the fundraising appearance of the former president who ordered torture: George W. Bush.
Is it proper to honor this war criminal who launched pre-emptive, unjustified wars of aggression and “shock and awe” that led to hundreds of thousands of people killed, mostly civilian “collateral damage” and widespread destruction in the Middle East ?
Join others to stand up against those who torture, who order torture, and who attempt to “legalize” torture. While it’s light, we’ll display “wanted poster” signs, banners, and we have extra orange Gitmo jumpsuits for some street theatre with dramatic readings of detainee descriptions and actual statements of Bush’s torture victims who were held without a right to habeas corpus or to due process.
An author of a book on Bush’s torture, lawyer James Roth , will speak as will Phil Freshman, a Beth El congregant who also protested against Beth El’s invitation to Condi Rice.
When it gets dark, we’ll hold a candlelight vigil (we have candles available but you can also bring your own).
Quite likely there will be some songs and music as well!
Sponsored by WAMM Tackling Torture at the Top (T3) Committee. FFI: Call WAMM, 612-827-5364.
Please come help us hold Bush “Wanted Posters” on Sept 21 outside Beth El Synagogue!
A Toronto appearance by former U.S. president George W. Bush, seen here on April 12, 2011, has been cancelled. (AP / Tony Gutierrez) ctvtoronto.ca Date: Thursday Sep. 15, 2011 11:17 AM ET An appearance by George W. Bush at an evangelical university in Toronto was abruptly cancelled on Wednesday amid backlash from several students who questioned the former U.S. president's values. Bush had been scheduled to appear at a breakfast hosted by Tyndale University College and Seminary next Tuesday. The event was invitation-only and had not been widely publicized. According to a brief note posted on the university's website, the Sept. 20 breakfast was cancelled due to a "scheduling change." The cancellation came on the same day that a group of Tyndale students launched a petition against Bush's appearance, claiming the practices of the Bush administration were not in line with the university's Christian standards. Bush, who served as the 43rd President of the United States , has made several appearances in Canada since he left office in 2009. His appearances often raise the attention of demonstrators who oppose his stance on the war on terror.