950 AM radio Nancy Nelson show at 5pm did the whole show about Troy Davis and Death Penalty.
Then Matt McNeil who comes on at 6pm had 3 topics to talk about. 1. Troy Davis and 3. Wall Street Occupation. thank god.
Matt said that tomorrow He'll try to have on someone from Ad Busters to talk about the Wall Street Occupation Day 7.
Both did such and excellent job.
you can call into both of these local shows: 952-946-6205
Both shows are the only weekday local shows, the rest are national. Local shows cost much more than national syndication.
950 AM is located in Eden Prairie. In the daytime I can get the station all the way north to Rogers, MN,, all the way South to Lakeville, mN.. East to Hudson, WI and I don't know West cause I haven't been west of Eden Prairie.
The station has been locally owned since the beginning and supports/promotes local business. It isn't owned by Corporations, Government, or the public. They are a struggling small business that runs ads from Local business, unions, non-profits.
So check out their Advertisers and thank them for advertising on 950 AM.
http://www.am950ktnf.com/advertisersYou can also stream it in.