by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio
October 11, 2011
Minneapolis — About 100 participants in the OccupyMN protest spent Tuesday afternoon talking, playing music and holding meetings at the plaza outside the Hennepin County Government Center.
Demonstrators said they hope more people will come to the plaza to discuss solutions to the nation's economic woes and address other concerns. Several dozen people have been at the protest since it began on Friday at the plaza. Some have spent the nights in sleeping bags. Similar protests are underway throughout the country, all of them sparked by the ongoing Occupy Wall Street protest in New York City.
Ruthann Ovenshire has attended the Minneapolis gathering for a few hours each day. She said she wants citizens to work with government to solve problems, instead of treating government as the enemy.
"I am very grateful for the things that government gives me. I'm grateful for public libraries, public parks, schools, streets," Ovenshire, 70, said. "There's just so much and I just think that it's ridiculous that people are blaming the government for things that corporations have done to us." ...