Saturday, October 15, 1:30 pm Lake Street & Hiawatha Ave. , Minneapolis .
National day of local anti-war actions. Time To Leave: Get Out Of Afghanistan !
In Minneapolis : Bring All the Troops and War Dollars Home Now! 1:30 pm Gather at Lake Street & Hiawatha Ave. Minneapolis
2 pm March (Closing rally at South High School .) (A short distance from the meeting area).
(On the sidewalk on Lake Street from Hiawatha to 22nd Ave. South ).
This is right along the Light Rail.. so you can take light rail in and it if you come several hours early there is Midtown Farmers Market with produce food, drinks, music, and crafts.
(many are then taking light rail to the Occupy MN afterwards).
Anti-war protests and protests against austerity budgets and cuts to social services are planned in cities around the world the weekend of October 15/16.
The October 15 protest in Minneapolis was initiated by Minnesota Peace Action Coalition.
Endorsed by: Alliant Action, Anti-War Committee, Burnsville & Eagan Peace Vigil, Climate Crisis Coalition of the Twin Cities, Come Home America – Minnesota Branch, Committee to Stop FBI Repression, Communities United Against Police Brutality, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Public Education Justice Alliance of Mn, Mayday Bookstore, Military Families Speak Out, Northfielders for Justice in Palestine/Israel, Northfield People for Peace and Goodwill (PPG), ST. Joan of Arc WAMM Peacemakers, St. Paul Eastside Neighbors for Peace, Socialist Action, Socialist Alternative, SDS – U of M, Twin Cities Peace Campaign, Veterans for Peace, Chapter 27, Welfare Rights Committee, Women Against Military Madness, Women’s Student Activist Collective, Workers International League.
For more info: 612-827-5364 or 612-522-1861.