Cobb, a fiery speaker, and former Green Party presidential candidate, is touring Minnesota giving his talk "Creating Democracy & Challenging Corporate Rule."
This presentation is part history lesson and part heart-felt call-to-action!
All events are free and open to the general public, donations appreciated
Tuesday, November 8, 7:00-9:00pm – MINNEAPOLIS. Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church (511 Groveland Avenue) (near loring park, downtown)
This event is sponsored by the "Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers" and "Move to Amend."
There is a $5 suggested donation, but nobody will be turned away due to a lack of funds.
Wednesday, November 9, 7:00-9:00pm – DULUTH. Peace Church (1111 N. 11th Avenue East)
Speakers / Performers include: David Cobb, Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, Jim Northrup, Joel Sipress, and Sharla Gardner.
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer: Professor of Justice and Peace Studies at the University of St. Thomas, author of thirteen books, leader of the Minnesota Arms Spending Alternatives Project (MN ASAP).
Jim Northrup: Renowned Anishinaabe poet / author of numerous books and other publications.
Joel Sipress: Professor of history at the University of Wisconsin Superior and progressive activist.
Sharla Garnder: Member of the Duluth City Council.
Music by Rachael Kilgour.
Thursday, November 10, 6:00-9:00pm – GRAND RAPIDS. Itasca Community College (Davies Theater), (1851 East Highway 169)
There is no better time to learn about Corporate Personhood / the Occupy Movement and there is no better educator on the subject than David Cobb.