Starting at 1 p.m. today, November 6th, Occupy Mn is addressing the cold weather situation by attempting to set up a "long house."
They will build it and attempt to keep it up. They expect that the authorities will try to make them take it down after the crowds clear in the late evening or midnight hours tonight.
They need folks to help, both with the set-up and with the exercising of their civil rights to assembly, which in Minnesota means maintaining some type of warm -up house.
They have requested folks who are willing to do civ dis for the 7pm to morning hours of Sunday .
If you can help with either, please show up. This is short notice and on a Sunday, so please spread the word by phone or email, if you can.
We, the people of Minnesota, have built many structures , from schools to stadiums to ice palaces, and skating rinks and ice-fishing houses, and the state has always found a way to accommodate the needs of the people. If the ninety-nine percent excercise their full voice, and put in a big enough request by their presence, perhaps the state will find a reasonable way to accommodate us too.
This could be the most important structure built in Minnesota in this decade.
Dress warmly- there' are some chill winds blowing through the plaza. I think they are the winds of change.