Come to the People's Plaza to Defend the Occupy Movement
Monday, November 14, Rally at 5 pm,
Stay after rally for Sleep-in (stay all night, or as late as you are able) @ @ Occupy Minnesota, “People’s Plaza” (Hennepin County Government Center Plaza at 5th St. S. between 3rd and 4th Aves. S.)
Stop Attacks on the Occupy Movement! Hands off the People's Plaza!
Defend our rights to protest! C ounty Commissioners and Sheriff Stanek have threatened to close down the occupation of the People's Plaza in Minneapolis. Beginning Monday, November 14, they have declared a set of new policies for the plaza outside the Hennepin CountyGovernment Center - no more sleeping, no more porta-potties, and no more signs or other property left out. These policies are aimed at shutting down the occupation, like the violent attack on occupiers in Oakland, California, and other measures being carried out against Occupy Wall Street protests in cities across the country. We say no to these attacks and plan to stand together to defend our rights to build a movement that stands for people over profits! Occupy Together: Join OccupyMN and organizations including labor, students, anti-war, poor people, and the 99% for a giant rally at 5pm, and plan to stay the night (or as late as you can)! Wear your warmest clothes, bring your sleeping bags and help fill the People’s Plaza in a massive sleep-in as we defend our right to occupy and speak out for the 99%!