Thursday, November 17, 3:00pm – 6:00pm Schedule
3:00pm Student Rally @ Northrop Plaza (U of M East Bank) to demand funding for schools, not tax breaks for the rich, and an end to the student debt trap. We will march from Northrop at 3:30 to join union and community activists for the 10th Ave Bridge action.
4:00pm March onto the 10th Ave Bridge to Bridge the Gap on Jobs and Racial Equity. With unemployment for African Americans three times that of whites, we demand a federal jobs program for all funded by taxes on corporations and the rich who sit on trillions in reserves. The 4pm Rally is organized by Minnesotans for a Fair Economy.
5:00pm March to the The People’s Plaza (Hennepin County Government Plaza) to join Occupy Minneapolis for a final rally to oppose police repression of our movement, as well as the looming congressional Super Committee’s plan for trillions in budget cuts to vital social safety net programs, education, environmental protection, and more. Make Wall Street pay, not working people!
We are uniting to say: No to police repression of the Occupy movement! No to the congressional Super Committee’s plans to cut trillions for education, public sector jobs, and vital social programs! We need more funding for education and jobs to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure! Wall Street and rich should pay for the crisis they created, not working people!
Organized locally by Occupy Minneapolis Events Committee, in coalition with Minnesotans for a Fair Economy. Occupy Minneapolis is calling these actions in solidarity with the “Jobs Not Cuts Week of Action” endorsed locally by Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1005 and United Auto Workers Local 879.
St. Paul Thursday, November 17, 2011 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Rally at 2, March at 4.
Minnesota State Capitol Rotunda 75 Martin Luther King Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota
“We are marching to close the jobs gap; win racial equity in contracting and hiring; make Wall Street and the wealthiest pay their share; and create good jobs for all—now!”