Excellent video:
http://www.youtube.com/user/OccupyMNTV#p/a/u/0/jldsB4LeRtYOn Wed Nov 30th, Occupy Minneapolis will set up 99 tents for the 99% to show the County Commissioners that shelter is a human right, and ensure the winter feasibility of the occupation at the People's Plaza. Join us, bring a tent, or occupy one, and stay all night if you can. Rally starts at 5:30pm.
At 12:00pm on Thurs Dec 1, Occupy Minneapolis will respond to its eviction from Sa'ra Kaiser's foreclosed home in South Minneapolis by turning the tables and foreclosing on US Bank.
Facebook Events:
http://www.facebook.com/events/142319985873482/http://www.facebook.com/events/298594510161390/Federal Homelessness and vacancy statistics:
http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/housing/hvs/qtr311/files/q311press.pdfhttp://www.usich.gov/resources/uploads/asset_library/Opening%20Doors%202010%2...So far the so called "progressive" DFL strong hold Minneapolis had not been able to help Occupy MN have tents in the people's plaza. Will they join in the protest and bring their tents or will they continue to support the oppression ?
6 months ago a tornado hit north minneapolis and still today many apartment buildings are condemned or roofs exposed to the elements.. many who lived in these apartments are still homeless.
from an email:
Wednesday, Nov. 30, Rally at 5:30 pm
99 Tents for the 99%
Rally at the Plaza at 5:30 then mass action
Join us at The People's Plaza for a mass action to prepare for winter.
Mass shelter action -- 99 tents for the 99%
Defend the occupy movement as winter sets in.
Shelter is a human right.
With the ACLU having filed a lawsuit in Federal court to protect the rights of Occupy Minneapolis, it's time to enforce our rights to peacefully assemble on government property. Come with tents or come to occupy a tent or come to celebrate our freedom and keep a watchful eye on how our government reacts. The more people and tents the better. We can always have multiple groups of 99 tents each and multiple clusters of 99 people standing around them. Note: The last tent action resulted in tents being removed and not returned, but no arrests.
INDIVIDUALS: Bring yourself, some friends, and your tent!
ORGANIZATIONS: Bring a tent with signs and images to represent your issues and your organization!
EVERYONE: Bring sleeping bags and lots of warm clothes!
We are working on getting community organizations, labor & labor leaders and others to bring tents and to challenge the no tent policy.
Calling on organizations to bring multiple tents with their organization names and slogans to show that WE ARE ALL the Movement! And we are there to DEFEND OUR Movement! Let us all put slogans on our tents so it is not just a tent city, but a massive tent city with a message!