Edited on Mon Nov-29-04 10:52 PM by Carolab
This is what some of my local activists and I are faxing to our state and local reps tomorrow. Urge everyone to do the same. Fax, and CALL. Get these lazy donkeys off their asses!
Our Votes are Our Voice: Let Your Voice Be Heard!
We the undersigned Progressive Minnesota voters demand that you
1. Support the GAO investigation and other efforts to uncover fraud in the 2004 election
2. Educate yourself and speak out publicly against this threat to democracy
3. Provide leadership and support in the fight against voter disenfranchisement
Dear Elected Progressive Minnesota Public Servant:
The evidence is now clear that the Republican Party used multiple methods of fraud and voter suppression in nearly every state in the land during this election, as part of a calculated, long-term, methodical strategy which is intended to rob Americans of their franchise.
Thousands of Minnesota DFL’ers and other Progressives on both the left and the right came together in unprecedented community coalitions to put you and the Kerry/Edwards team in office. We did this because after the 2000 election, we recognized this threat for what it is. We worked day and night for you and the Kerry/Edwards ticket. We are very proud that Minnesota was successful in beating the Republican strategy back. Unfortunately other states were not as successful.
We recognize that dirty tricks have always been a part of American elections. However, Karl Rove’s all pervasive ‘Born Again Jim Crow’ anti-democracy machine represents an unprecedented attack on the democratic process. We knew the Republicans were preparing during the last four years to move their strategy north, and to spread it across all America. We were ready for a fight and we supported you and the Kerry/Edwards ticket because we thought you were too.
We are therefore frustrated, disappointed and angry about your silence concerning this matter. The coalitions that formed to put you in office and defend democracy in this election will not hold for the next two years if you do not immediately take action on our behalf. We demand that as our elected local leadership you educate yourselves on this issue, join with the groups and persons that are taking action upon it, speak out nationally on our behalf, and do everything possible to encourage action by the Democratic Party at the national level.
To begin this campaign immediately, we further insist that you meet with us in a Community Forum to Protect Democracy and the Right to Vote. We will be contacting you personally to work out the details.