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I write to the local paper almost every month. original then my rebuttal

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loveable liberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 03:35 AM
Original message
I write to the local paper almost every month. original then my rebuttal
Edited on Fri Dec-03-04 03:38 AM by loveable liberal
Election sends clear message.

By Gene Johnson

THE NOV. 2 election favoring the GOP was a clear affirmation for President George W. Bush and the American citizens desiring congressional action.

Americans want their security restored which in turn will enhance the economic activity as well as restoring financial portfolios after the meltdown of the nineties and the catastrophe of Sept. 11.

The election results sent a message to Congress that we have had enough of the Senate gridlock and to get on with important legislation. A Homeland Security Department is important to bring together the various agencies that have had a difficult time communicating with each other.

I also think it signaled the end of the Clinton-Gore era and was sending a message to Congress that the appointment of judgeships is an important step in restoring fundamental values of our nation.

For some it was the assurance that the planned tax cut program won’t sunset in the next seven or eight years. It has been difficult enough to do estate planning without the so-called “Death Tax” hanging over our heads.

We need complete campaign finance reform. Special interest groups are finding ways to fund the elected or candidates of their choice. If the power of the lobbyists through their heavy contributions continue, the American people will give up their voting privilege realizing it is meaningless.

Health-care costs and related insurance premiums are becoming more difficult for small business, the employers and employees and for seniors who do not have drug coverage under Medicare. More generic drugs will need to become more quickly available and pricing of these drugs should be more realistic in the United States compared to Canada and Mexico.

A number of people have advocated term limits to help control some of the powerful Congressional leaders who so often favor their own states with pork barrel programs. Another idea might be to have legislators on the national level and perhaps even on the state level have limited number of years they can serve on a committee or as a committee chair. This rotation would in turn help educate legislators on more aspects of government and give them a greater understanding what is good for all of the United States.

The Republicans now have a responsibility to pass important legislation. The Democratic party will have some rebuilding to do and will be at risk if they move too far to the left with the expected election of their minority leader from San Francisco.

As a friend of mine, the late Harry Davies, former publisher of the daily newspaper in International Falls, Minn., said, “The dogs barked but the caravans rolled on.”

NOW FOR THE lighter truths we have pondered:

Dogs have owners — cats have staff.

If the shoe fits buy it in every color.

Is war God’s way of teaching us geography?

Never under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

Never lick a steak knife.

My rebuttal:
A message clear as mud.

Response to “About the Town” by Gene Johnson 120104. For the life of me, I cannot figure out what you mean by financial “meltdown of the nineties”. I remember the 1990’s as an employee’s market. Employers couldn’t find enough people to employ, gas prices were $1.20 a gallon if not less and my 401k was doing just fine. Remember $1.20 a gallon Gene? Ah the 1990’s. Back in those days’ schools weren’t closing or cutting programs to pay heating bills. Sixteen Minneapolis elementary schools are closing in the next two years Gene. Why aren’t school closing’s seen as an abomination? Balancing the State and Federal budgets on the backs of 5 to 12 year old children is disgusting.
Gene, you mention fundamental values. What exactly are ‘our’ fundamental values? Moreover, exactly what do judicial appointments have to do with ‘our’ fundamental values? I think it means that our politicians don’t have the integrity or the intelligence to try to enact meaningful laws therefore; we need judges (who aren’t burdened by term limits or those annoying checks and balances) for an end run around the democratic process.
The ‘death tax’ Gene? Don’t you mean the ‘estate tax’? Your readers might not know this, but the Estate Tax is being phased out in 2010. People can find information about the Estate Tax at the Minnesota State Legislature website. Did you mention to your readers in order for estates to qualify for the Estate Tax, their estates must be worth over seven hundred thousand dollars at the time of their death (a figure that increases until 2010)? Good thing as a 911 dispatcher I don’t have to worry about Estate taxes (Thanks Mady).
Generic or non-generic drugs aren’t the problem Gene. Price gouging and illness profiteering are the problems. King George wont allow Medicare negotiate prices. We should be embarrassed that the Greatest Generation, after fighting in World Wars One, Two and Korea, have to rely on Canadian pharmaceuticals. It’s disgraceful.
Finally, you warn Democrats not to “move too far to the left with the expected election of their minority leader from San Francisco”. Her name is Nancy Pelosi, Gene. She’s married and has 5 children. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

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Winamericaback Donating Member (398 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 03:37 AM
Response to Original message
1. Great article!
But $"1.20 a gallon"
Here in Fl it was down to $.98 a gallon for almost 2 years...
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loveable liberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 03:39 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. i was feeling generous.
they probably wont print it, Gene Johnson is the papers owner.
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trotsky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 10:14 AM
Response to Original message
3. That damn liberal media. n/t
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Eric J in MN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 05:58 PM
Response to Original message
4. He also omitted that more citizens voted for a Democratic
Senator in 2004 than voted for a Republican Senator.
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