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MN Gas Tax increase by Constitutional Ammendment?

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CatholicEdHead Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 06:06 PM
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MN Gas Tax increase by Constitutional Ammendment?
I heard this story this morning around 7:30 on Morning Edition on MPR.

Our 20cent/gallon gas tax has not been raised since 1988. The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce and other groups have reccommending a raise of up to 10cents/gallon.

Many states and counties are asking for increased funds to keep up in the inflation since 1988.

Of course our Governor of the MN Taxpayer's League made a comment that really caught my ear this morning. He will only support a gas tax increase if it is a CONSTITUTIONAL AMMENDMENT! Yes, that is correct. As in everything else, the current GOP fad to govern by Constitutional Ammendments continues.

Pawlenty knows there is not a chance it will pass if presented to the state in a Constitutional Ammendment form. First it will bring out the regular anti-tax people, and it will also bring out people who dislike ammending the constitution for trival matters.

That is his weak excuse to keep toeing the Taxpayers' League line. Our roads are falling apart, but the Gov is still too cheap to INVEST in the future with improved roads. The Chamber of Commerce is for this because they know you have to spend money to make money, which is what this gas tax increase is.
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trotsky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 11:20 AM
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1. Pawlenty the slimy fuck.
He also knows that a constitutional amendment doesn't need the governor's signature to become law - and so his "no new taxes" pledge remains "intact"!

The founders understood that amendments would be necessary - but should also be RARE. Reserved for only the most fundamental issues of law - individual rights, enumerating powers of the government, and so on.

These Republicans spit on the Constitutions (state and federal) when they want to slap on an amendment to resolve the issue o' the day.
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katinmn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 01:10 PM
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2. I hate all these bozos messing with our constitution
like it's a draft story you can just go in and edit.

We're going to have a lot of clean up work some day.
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