they held a fundraising parade which raised $30K from the residents."LHS Marching Band Day
The Lakeville High School Marching Band performed a short parade on their day, Jan. 8 in downtown Lakeville for a crowd of more than 1,000. The Downtown Lakeville Business Association (DLBA) organized the parade to honor the band’s invitation to perform at the Jan. 20 Presidential Inauguration in Washington, D.C., and to help highlight the band’s immediate fund-raising needs. The parade had more than 40 sponsors, comprised of area businesses, nonprofit organizations and individuals. The contributions brought the band’s fund-raising total to more than $30,000 to offset the cost of the trip. More than $3,700 were raised in proceeds from the concession stands and other donations during Saturday’s parade. The event was also attended by many local officials, including Congressman John Kline, Rep. Mary Liz Holberg and Rep. Patrick Garofalo, Lakeville Mayor Bob Johnson, School District 194 Superintendent Gary Amoroso and more. Photo by John Sucansky"
Of course, the Lakeville district budget will go from black to red in the next couple of years. This makes these costs the suburb is picking up even worse on the students in future years."The budget for the Lakeville Area School District is expected to go from the black to well in the red beginning in the 2006-07 school year based on assumptions of current state funding
Currently, the district is in good shape with a fiscal year 2004-05 reserve of $8.8 million, over the goal reserve of $4.8 million.
But without a change in per pupil funding and the expiration of several existing voter-approved referendums, Smith projects a more than $60 million deficit by the 2009-10 school year. He emphasized that these are only projections and that it is not a predetermined course.
With or without a change in the state funding formula or a voter referendum, the board will be considering some belt-tightening measures at a Jan. 18 study session."