Here is the article:"Posted on Thu, Jan. 20, 2005
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Female president? With this climate, it won't be soon
During the inauguration ceremonies today, civics classes across this state will take a break from the books and tune in to watch President George W. Bush solemnly swear to faithfully execute the office of the presidency.
My civics class did the same thing in 1981, when Ronald Reagan started his first term. While we watched, our teacher asked us when in our lifetimes we'd be watching the inauguration of a woman president. The consensus was sometime around 2000, which, at the time, seemed so far into the future that we figured we'd be wearing spacesuits and eating protein pellets for breakfast.
Now that I'm old enough to run for the presidency myself, I'm beginning to think we'll be living on Mars before anyone from Venus gets elected to the nation's top office.
No, no, this is not a late stand for the cause of Carol Moseley Braun. Nor is it an early pitch for Sen. Hillary Clinton, who continues to be such a polarizing figure that she might do the Democrats a big favor by staying in her Senate seat.