Near the Mall of America Associated Press
January 20, 2005 MNCasinoMegamall
ST. PAUL - Gov. Tim Pawlenty met with the mayor of Bloomington last month to discuss opening a partially state-run casino at the Mall of America, the governor's spokesman said Tuesday.
Lawyers for the mall's owners also met recently with the Bloomington City Council to discuss the same possibility.
Pawlenty's spokesman, Brian McClung, stressed that the governor has met with several local officials around the Twin Cities in recent weeks to discuss his casino proposal. It would be a partnership between the state and several northern Minnesota Indian tribes that don't currently own casinos.
Bloomington Mayor Gene Winstead did not immediately return a call seeking comment. State Rep. Dan Larson, DFL-Bloomington, whose district includes the Mall of America, said city officials are worried that a casino would put a strain on resources while not benefiting the city financially.
I do not know how anyone else feels about this, but I do not want a casino in Bloomington.