Dear DFL Friends,
I am writing today to ask you to join one of the most important campaigns Democrats must win across the country – a campaign to Save Social Security. All it takes for you to be a part of our campaign is three phone calls and one click on your computer - one week from today.
Curious? Want to get involved? Read on!
Just one week from today, President George W. Bush will deliver his State of the Union Address and is expected to discuss his plan for privatizing Social Security. For the past two months, the Bush Administration has openly discussed plans to privatize Social Security, and has even announced a multi-million dollar public-relations campaign to mislead Americans into thinking Social Security is in crisis and that privatization is our way out. If Bush succeeds, he will destroy Social Security.
Take Action on February 2nd:
Join other concerned citizens in a “Don’t Gamble with Social Security” Campaign. One week from today, on the day of Bush’s State of the Union, DFLers from all over the state will call George Bush’s top followers in Minnesota’s Congressional Delegation and ask them to “just say no” to Bush’s risky plan to privatize Social Security. Below are the four action steps we’re asking you to take!
1. Call Congressman Mark Kennedy on February 2nd and tell him not to gamble our Social Security on risky privatization schemes. Call Kennedy’s office at 202-225-2331 or at 320-259-0099. Mark Kennedy votes with Bush 97% of the time – more than any other member of Minnesota’s members of Congress. Kennedy has also said he supports privatizing Social Security.
2. Click here to register your call as part of our “DFL Call Count” so your voice is counted in our official tally of grassroots activism!
3. Call Senator Norm Coleman on February 2nd and tell him not to gamble our Social Security on risky privatization schemes. Call Coleman’s office at 800-642-6041. Norm Coleman votes with Bush 92% of the time and has said he fully supports privatizing Social Security.
4. Call George Bush and tell him not to gamble our Social Security on risky privatization schemes. Call Bush at 202-456-1111 or 202-456-6213.
Want to learn more about Mark Kennedy and Norm Coleman’s support for privatizing Social Security? Click here.{39D5D99C-1DA1-49AA-8FBC-EC5C40B776BE}
Want to learn more about Social Security? Click here.{0BD0E3AB-3228-433C-931D-BC5F2311F8ED}
The only crisis facing Americans with regards to Social Security is the Republicans’ attempt to privatize it! Join us in our important campaign by preparing to take action on February 2nd.
Stand Up, Keep Fighting,
Mike Erlandson
Minnesota DFL Party Chair
P.S. Don’t forget to register your action with us by clicking here on February 2nd!