If you wrote and they didn't print yours, they still probably printed more letter with your position because you expressed it.
http://www.startribune.com/stories/563/5209133.htmlLetters from readers
January 28, 2005 EL
Minnesota's truth teller
The Jan. 27 letter writer who characterized Sen. Mark Dayton's accusations against Condoleezza Rice as an "attempt to preemptively damage our new secretary of state for political purposes" is truly living in denial.
Read the record of her statements, both before and after the war began. Dayton had it exactly right, and it was refreshing, for once, to hear a U.S. senator call it for what it truly is: Rice lied, period. She lied to Dayton, to the Senate, to the country and the world. Even worse, when called to account for it by Sen. Barbara Boxer and others, she changed the subject.
One can euphemistically refer to "misleading information,"falsifications,"exaggerations" or "untruths." But even the most legalistic twisting of logic can't alter basic morality. As a parent would tell his child, a lie is still a lie.
Thank you, Sen. Dayton.
Mark Rosenwinkel, Minneapolis.
I'd like to thank Sen. Mark Dayton for standing up in opposition to the appointment of Condoleezza Rice as secretary of state.
It's a sad day for America when lying and incompetence are promoted.
Liz Trister, Bloomington.
I applaud Sen. Mark Dayton's willingness to stand up and be heard. The last thing our country needs is another "rubber-stamp" politician blindly following the Bush administration's failing policies.
Only time will reveal the truth to our divided country on this issue. Unfortunately this commodity comes at a great cost as we continue to lose young American soldiers and Iraqi civilians on a daily basis.
Clay B. DuVal, Golden Valley.
I am proud of Mark Dayton for his outspoken comments against the confirmation of Condoleezza Rice for secretary of state.
I am proud that my senator did not lie down and play dead like so many other politicians in Washington. Dayton spoke out against the lies of the administration of which Rice is a member.
I am also proud of Sen. Robert Byrd for speaking out against Rice's abuse of fear-based language and misleading rhetoric.
If Rice's integrity can be impugned by directly quoting her own words, then she is solely responsible for any damage done to the public's perception of her character.
Truthful objections to a nominee should not be spun, demonized or labeled "partisan."
Meghan Townsend, Edina.
Not a Dayton fan
Because of his kind of warped thinking, we will see Mark Dayton permanently close his Senate office in 2006.
Larry A. Sorenson, Arlington, Minn.