Subject: Join with Me to Protect America's Workers
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004
From: "Sen. Mark Dayton" <>
Re: Jobs for America
Did you know that during George W. Bush's term in office.
More than 2.5 million workers in the U.S. lost their jobs?
Fully 15 million people are either jobless, underemployed or have simply given
up looking for work? Of those 15 million, nearly 10% can no longer receive
unemployment benefits.
I'm fed up with the Bush Administration's assault on America's workers and
jobs and I'm fighting back. One thing is clear: the President's tax cuts for the rich, the super-rich and for
large multi-national corporations have not stopped the loss of American jobs,
nor have they brought American jobs back.
Right now, we need to do so much more to protect the jobs and the
incomes of those who have work and to block the President's attempts
to deny millions of American workers the overtime pay they earned and
And we must take drastic measures to reduce the flow of American jobs
overseas by giving American companies real incentives to create jobs
here at home.
I'm working to protect American jobs and to defend the rights of
American workers.
But I need your help. My votes for America's working people and against corporate greed have made me a
favorite target of the Republicans' ruthless political machine. We saw how they
campaigned against Paul Wellstone and even former Senator Max Cleland, who left
three limbs on the battlefields of Vietnam -- the lies, the attacks, and the millions
they spent to secure a majority in the Senate.
I know I'm next, which is why I am counting on you. Please, if you can do so,
support my campaign with a new contribution of $35, $75, $250, or even $1,000.
Thank you, so much, for your continued support and trust in me.
Best regards,
Senator Mark Dayton