These were the names being touted on TPT-2's "Almanac" program last night by Ted Mondale (son of Walter) and the other DFL panelist, Ember Reichgott Junge, a former DFL state senator. (Their bios can be seen here: )
I'm VERY excited to see Amy Klobuchar's name being put out there for Dayton's senate seat, I think she'd be an excellent candidate! I totally disagree with the "draft McCollum" movement, we need her to hold her House seat, it would be utterly foolish to put it at risk.
I absolutely LOVE Amy, and I'd support her for ANY race she'd choose to enter. If what Ted Mondale was implying is true -- that party insiders see her as the best bet for the Senate race -- I happily concur.
As for Ciresi, some months back during the presidential campaign I saw him on "Almanac" debating a bush/cheney campaign official and he TOTALLY wiped the floor with that repug schmuck. It was awesome, Ciresi was brilliant! At the time I didn't even know who he was, I was simply impressed as hell and thought that THIS is EXACTLY the kind of Democratic spokesman we need out there -- someone who's not afraid to call bullshit on bullshit.
I'm sure others here are much more familiar with Ciresi than I am, so I'm open to hearing what others think about the pros and cons of him running for governor. All I really know is that I find him a MUCH more impressive public speaker than Mike Hatch -- a major consideration, imho, in the race against a slick huckster like Pawlenty.
Lastly, running Patty Wetterling again for the 6th district seems like an obvious choice, I hope that's what happens.
So, what do you all think?