My 14 year old niece went to see Harry Potter last weekend at the theater in Eagan. One of the friends she was with, who is a bit more up on things than the rest of her crowd, suddenly noticed Tim Pawlenty sitting near them. When he mentioned it - after explaining who Pawlenty was (at least my niece knew the name) - none of them believed him until he pointed out the guy next to Pawlenty was wearing a gun.
On the way out of the theater, the kids cornered him to make sure he really was Pawlenty. They also wanted to be sure the guy with him really did have a gun (he did and was identified as a bodyguard).
One of the kids asked how much he made, Timmy replied "$120,000. I made more as a lawyer."
I asked my niece if she told him we'd all be happier if he went back to being a lawyer. (BTW this is the niece that, when Jim Ramstand came to her school when she was 6, told him her aunt said Republicans were instruments of Satan). However, she said she didn't say anything like that (I have failed with the child's upbringing). Besides, she said, she didn't know he was a Republican - he seemed too nice (Well, maybe I haven't done that bad a job). I warned her that that's how they suck people into their cult - they pretend to be nice while cutting state aid for any all social programs.
I asked if Pawlenty had his kids with him, but she said she didn't see them. - Maybe they're like my younger nieces and nephews, too cool to sit with me at the movies.
But, the real question is, what would Timmy's fundy friends think if they knew he was attending "satanic" movies like Harry Potter? :evilgrin: