Dear Ms. xxxxxx:
Thank you for contacting me about global warming.
There is no question that global warming is real; it is serious; and it will continue to get worse, unless we act to stop it. Unless we take action, the legacy we leave our children and grandchildren will be an impaired, unhealthy planet. Therefore, on October 30, 2003, I voted for the Climate Stewardship Act of 2003 (S. 139). Unfortunately, this legislation failed in the Senate on a vote of 43-55.
I was a cosponsor of S. 17, the Global Climate Security Act of 2003, which would have initiated several programs to ensure that the United States begins to responsibly address global climate change. Unfortunately, Congress adjourned without acting on this bill. Similar legislation will have to be introduced in the 109th Congress which begins January 24, 2005. In addition, I am actively pursuing a national energy policy that emphasizes clean, renewable sources of energy and increased efficiency.
Please be assured that I am committed to working with my colleagues in the 109th Congress to set a standard of environmental protection and preservation that will stand for generations to come.
My best regards. Sincerely,
Mark Dayton United States Senator