The queen of self-promotion, Michele Bachmann, has been caught red-handed violating the rules of the Senate by using the Senate chambers as the set for a commercial endorsement. You can read all about it here: are excerpts:
Is there anything wrong with a state senator filming a commercial endorsement in the Senate chambers?
The Minnesota Senate rules say the chamber is reserved for Senate use, and the Senate's policies explicitly prohibit commercial use of Senate hearing rooms. But apparently that leaves things a bit murky....
Last year, Sen. Michele Bachmann, R-Stillwater, was filmed standing in Senate chambers endorsing a Minneapolis-based online video production company. The resulting endorsement of Unity Works is now a part of the company's Web site (
Asked about the appropriateness of the video by a Pioneer Press reporter, several longtime Senate officials said it didn't seem fitting.
"It certainly is not appropriate to use the Senate chamber for the making of a commercial," said Secretary of the Senate Patrick Flahaven, who serves as the body's parliamentarian and chief operating officer. In the past, various groups have asked permission to film advertisements in the chamber, and Flahaven has denied those requests, he said. Had Bachmann asked him if Unity Works could shoot its video in the chamber, he would have told her not to do it. "We don't allow that."
Sen. John Hottinger, DFL-St. Peter, said filming a commercial in the august Senate chamber is a "gross violation of Senate decorum" and "potentially an ethics violation."
Beyond the issue of using the Senate chambers for commercial purposes, one has to wonder what Bachmann got in return for her endorsement (which you can see here:
Anything received in exchange would be an illegal campaign contribution.
Anyone in Minnesota with a Senator who has some balls should urge them to file an ethics complaint against Bachmann pronto to keep this story alive.