mn state statue 202A.14
for those who don't reconize this state law, this is the law that dictates at to the date/time of our state caucus are to be conviened. as i see it the dnc as well as state conventions and presidential nominations are being pushed up earlyer and earlyer and due to this, this puts minnesota currently in what i call "the rubber stamp status". this stutus a. puts us in a position as being more or less"just a privit fundraiser only state. because by the time that minnesota conviens it's caucus's the decision has already been made. many have exprienced problem and have raised a concern at, the 2004 minnesota state caucus's. by changing our date to a more logical time, i feel we will reap several benifts. one of them is that as candidates emerge, they will be required (more or less)to spend more time then just a few privite fundraisers here and there "before" they wrap up any nomination and maybe get them to open pre-nomination offices and spend some bucks and not just take in this state
another benifit is respect and othe concideration to minnesota, is as thoughts by big shot senators from other states or others concider running for office, many will have to ask themselves "what have i done for "minnesota" that warrents there support?did i assit them in aquiring the full federal support in their endevors have i bruaght any jobs to mn have i done any thing for minnesota
yet another benifit to modifying 202A.14 is additional revenue to the state of minnesota. with each candidate entourage comes media to cover these folks. they rent hotel/motel rooms eat and drink and spent money ect.. moreover this would also creat a better concideration for any dnc, rnc or xnc national convention which would bring in the equivelent of a 2 to 3 day superbowl size event to our state which again in turn would bring an additional revenue to the state of minnesota
so ...what i'm asking is , is for you support by contacting you st legislators and ask them to change on word in mn state statues 202A.14 date from march to febuary that all