So said State Auditor Patricia Anderson at last weekend's State Republican convention when she described "most DFL women". (When did she drop the Awada?)
I guess this explains why I've never been married.
Anyway, in my effort to avoid the Reagan-thon I pretty much forgot the Repukes were even meeting last weekend. I found this gem in Lori Sturdevant's column in the Strib today about the GOP's Webvoter. The article is too long to give a good description here, it's worth the read.<snip>
...It probably wasn't, either, Gov. Tim Pawlenty's characterization of the DFL agenda as "raise taxes, allow gay marriage and promote welfare," even though he repeated the line so many times that even today, three days later, most delegates can probably recite it. (So much for any thought that the guv wants to make nice with the Senate DFL and pass a bonding bill.)
What I'm going to remember from the 2004 GOP assemblage at the Xcel is the WebVoter demonstration I got at the computer table in the lobby. That's where I saw the future of grass-roots politics.
Here's how WebVoter works: If you're part of the Republican Party's already identified 60,000 core households, you have received in the mail your very own WebVoter user name and password. Enter that information, and you are provided with a list of 25 names, some of whom you're likely to recognize, and their addresses, which you're sure to know. They are all in your neighborhood.
Those are names of voters not already known to the GOP to be either Republicans or Democrats. The public policy issue that gets them worked up is similarly not known. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to discover the party and issue preferences of your neighbors, and report them to the GOP brain in cyberspace.
Those whom you report to be open to Republican messages will suddenly be showered with invitations to events, pleas for donations, an array of literature and persistent phone calls. Those whom you report to be hopeless Democrats will be deemed unworthy of the expenditure of a 37-cent stamp, and dropped from the list (for now).
<end snip>
And to our male DUer's, I promise at the next gathering not to spew too much man-hatred or victimization.