ever she goes. Mississippi AFL-CIO union just approved a 14 point resolution that demands the immediate recall of Governor Haley Barbour.
http://www.wlox.com/Global/story.asp?S=1978039http://www.sunherald.com/mld/sunherald/news/local/9061651.htmOur gov had killed medicare, forcing those who were on it rely on medicaid. Many don't qualify for medicaid, so they are out of luck. Add to that the cuts to the education budgets thanks to the Gov and his repugs in the state senate and house and folks are pissed (and he has only been in office 6 months). (Can't afford to comply with leave no child behind garbage.)
MS is pro* - he took our state and it is predicated he will have no problem in 2004. I hope * comes to try to save him. The support may backfire come Nov.
Kerry needs to come to MS and campaign hard about funding public education and health care. These are hot topics in the state thanks to Barbour, former head of the RNC.