Did anyone see the Intelligence Report from the Southern Poverty Law Center about how many MS politicians are supporting the Council of Conservative Citizens?
If any of you haven't looked at this group's literature you can check it out at their website
http://www.cofcc.org/.There is no doubt in my mind that they are a hate group. Their site provides links to places called "The Racial Compact" and a site that proclaims Martin Luther King, Jr to be a "Communist Fraud".
I think it is important for us as Mississippians to keep up with who is supporting this group. The Intelligence Report gives a list of many of the MS officials supporting this group. Check and see if your rep. or senator is on the list. At least one is, that would be Trent Lott. They provide the date and place where they met with this group.
Most of them use the lame excuse "I didn't know". Well maybe they should have looked at their website. I am sure the people of MS foot the bill for them to have access to the Internet.