Most people would think you insane for suggesting any foul play in Mississippi, of all places. BUT, and I've said this time and time again, I'm suspicious of the results there. I remember on election night, CNN was calling states based on exit polls; they called West Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana, Illinois, various northeastern states, but there were two that were "Too close to call" based on exit polling, or based on SOMETHING. Ohio and Mississippi. It struck me as very, very odd that Mississippi would be "too close to call" for any reason, and then that Kerry would LOSE. Is it possible that the South WAS actually competitive for us? I know that the last poll in Mississippi DID show Bush losing ground and Kerry gaining it - not enough for Kerry to win, but within 9%, which is pretty telling because Bush got 58% there in 2000 and this poll (ARG, by the way) showed him with only 51%, and Kerry with 42% while Gore had received 41% (well, 40.7% - and Bush actually received 57.6%, but I rounded).
I actually just took a look at your county map, and I find it funny that you have so many counties named after old politicians - Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, Hancock, Jackson, Clay, Calhoun, Washington, Madison, and that you have two counties named George and Harrison right by each other.
Er. Yeah. I'm amused easily.