Barbour Announces Run for Mississippi Governor
By Jeff Gannon
February 19, 2003
YAZOO CITY, MS (GOPUSA News) -- Former Republican National Committee Chairman Haley Barbour announced that he would be running for governor of Mississippi. The 55 year-old Washington lawyer and lobbyist, who once served as a political advisor to President Ronald Reagan, has decided to return to Mississippi "because I know we can do better."
After one of several speeches around the state, Barbour pointed out, "This state has spent like a drunken sailor. Drunken sailors should be offended by the comparison."
Barbour said state government had fallen "from its strongest fiscal condition ever to the worst financial crisis in our state's history." Barbour said his campaign would focus on "prioritizing spending" and fighting "any and all tax increases." He declared that "to raise taxes while government is on a spending binge is only feeding the beast."
Barbour is the first Republican to announce his intention to run against the incumbent Democrat Ronnie Musgrove. If Barbour were to win, he would become only the second Republican elected governor of Mississippi since Reconstruction.