I can't seem to find anything about his stance on the issues. I'm not from missippi, so I'll leave that to the Mississippians, but he sounds like our kind of guy:
http://www.artsandlettersmagazine.net/ArtsandLettersMagazine-Erik-Fleming.htmlhttp://www.clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20041228/NEWS01/412280342/1002Rep. Erik Fleming, D-Clinton, is the most prolific early bill writer, just as he has been the past few years. He's sponsoring 81 of the 192 House bills and five of six House resolutions that have been filed so far.
Among Fleming's recycled proposals: Prohibiting the surgical debarking of vicious dogs, allowing medical use of marijuana and banning the renting of hotel rooms for less than 24 hours at a time.
Fleming said Monday all three are quality-of-life issues. He said he's heard reports from other states about drug dealers having dogs surgically silenced so the animals can attack law-enforcement officers. He said marijuana could help ease the pain of chemotherapy or other medical treatments. And, Fleming said rent-by-the-hour hotel rooms are promoting illicit activity.
"We're trying to create a more wholesome atmosphere," Fleming said. "Those type of hotels breed prostitution and drug use."