Got this letter printed in the Clarion Ledger, Sun Herald and Hattiesburg American this past week: Our Governor appeared before a House panel on Wed. Dec. 7 and admonished Congress for the lack of Federal help in getting our state back into shape after Katrina.``We are at a point where our recovery and renewal efforts are stalled because of inaction in Washington, D.C., and the delay has created uncertainty that is having very negative effects on our recovery and rebuilding,'' Haley stated. Gene Taylor backed him up with this statement,``I applaud you for scolding the House leadership. I didn't vote to elect Dennis Hastert, governor - you helped get him there. I'd hope you'd use that influence to get him off his duff.'' And what was Hastert's reply to this? He decided to shut down the House's return from it's winter break until Jan. 31, 2206. The reasoning behind this move to keep the House closed for an extra 2 weeks? It does not look like Tom Delay will get his money laundering trial finished until the end of January. If the House was to reconvene at their normal time they would be required to vote on a new House Majority Leader. As Mississippians on the coast huddle in tents and burn what is left of their homes to keep warm over the Holiday Retail Season, we should have comfort in the knowledge that our needs will be on the back burner while the House figures out what to do about it's leadership( or lack of it). We have a Republican Governor,and in D.C. we have a Republican House, a Republican Senate and a Republican President. And a state that voted Republican is getting shafted over Republican politics. Some will say Mississippi has reaped that which it has sown. No citizen of the United States deserves this. No matter their political affiliation.