Will Post in MS forum as well.
Young Democrats of Mississippi
Convention 2006!
Convention Call
Saturday April 1st
Millsaps College - Jackson
With A Reception with Gov. Ronnie Musgrove Friday night March 31st at Hal & Mal's Restaurant
www.convention.ydms.net All Democrats who live, work, and /or attend school in the state of Mississippi, who are over the age of 14 but not yet the age of 36, are hereby called to the city of Jackson to meet in convention on the campus of Millsaps College on Saturday April 1st and are also invited on the night before, Friday March 31st, to attend a reception with Governor Ronnie Musgrove at Hal and Mal's Restaurant with preliminary committee meetings to immediately follow at Millsaps College.
Complete Convention information, including pre-registration, hotels, rules, events, and more, can be found at www.convention.ydms.net.
This Convention shall:
* Elect new officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, National Committeeman, National Committeewoman, and Regional Directors
* Consider amendments to the Young Democrats of Mississippi Constitution*
* Consider revisions to the Young Democrats of Mississippi Platform*
* Hear address by major leaders of our party and elected officials
* Hear address by candidates for federal office
* Any amendments to the YDMS Constitution or platform must be e mailed
to rhooks26@yahoo.com by March 25th
Pre-register online: $10.00
Registration at the convention $20.00
This fee includes lunch and Friday Night Reception
Event Schedule:
Friday March 31st:
7:30p.m.-9:30p.m.: Reception @ Hal & Mal's Restaurant with Gov. Ronnie Musgrove
10:00p.m.-11:00p.m. Committees: - 1st session - Millsaps College - Sullivan Harrell Hall
- Constitution
- Platform & Resolutions
- By-Laws
11:15 - Midnight: College Democrats - Millsaps College - Sullivan Harrell Hall
The YDMS has reserved rooms at the Cabot Lodge Millsaps for $89.00 a night. Call 1-800-874-4737. Ask for the Young Democrats rate. Millsaps Cabot Lodge adjoins Millsaps College. Delegates can walk from their rooms to the convention Saturday.
Saturday April 1st - All Events at Millsaps College- Leggett Building and adjoining Academic Complex
8:00a.m.-2:30p.m. - Registration & Sign-in*
8:30a.m.-9:00a.m. - Credentials Committee - Preliminary Session
9:10a.m.-10:45:a.m. - Opening General Session
11:00a.m. - 12:30p.m. - Committees - Final Session
- By-laws
- Constitution
- Platform & Resolution
11:15am - Lunch - served in committee meeting
12:40p.m. - 1:25p.m. Mississippi Democratic Party Precinct Captain Training
1:30 -2:15 Foreign! Policy address by former United States Ambassador to
Saudi Arabia and Governor of Mississippi Ray Mabus
2:20 - 2:50 - Regional Caucuses
3:00 -3:20 - Credentials Committee Final Session
3:30: General Session
*You must sign in at the registration table, EVEN IF YOU HAVE PRE-REGISTERD,
before 2:30p.m on Saturday to be a delegate. Failure to do this will result
in your inability to vote in General Session.
It is easy to pre-register. Just go to www.convention.ydms.net. Pre-registering will not only save you $10.00 on the registration fee, but will also ensure that we have enough food for everyone. If you fail to pre-register you may not get a lunch. You do NOT have to pay the fee online. Pre-registrants may pay when they sign in at the registration desk.
For Directions to each event, please visit www.covention.ydms.net/directions or go to yahoo maps.
For any and all questions about the convention, please contact the
Robert Hooks - YDMS President - rhooks26@yahoo.com
Sirena Wilson - Convention Organizing Co-Chair - ewilso1@entergy.com
Andrew McDowell - Convention Organizing Co-Chair - mcdowac@millsaps.edu