I got this email from South Mississippi United for Peace and Justice:
Hello S. MS United for Peace members and friends!
U P D A T E on our plans for Vigil for Peace, 11 May 2006
The Biloxi police will allow us to use the sidewalk on Beauvoir Road, North of the Coliseum parking entrance. Beach Boulevard is not yet open to the public, "unsafe" until they do repairs, and only ticketed Commencement attendees will be allowed past the gate.
We should start at about 1:30pm Thursday 11 May, to be there when people arrive for the 2pm event, and stay until after the crowd leaves, about 4pm. As usual, individuals can come and go during that time.
I will have a few signs, and materials to make them on the spot, but please bring your own.
And I expect we will be many more than the dozen quoted below.
Our press release:
CONTACT: Glen Sandberg
South Mississippi United for Peace
228-697-5195, <glens@ieee.org>
S I L E N T V I G I L for P E A C E
Outside the Coast Coliseum
2pm - 4pm Thursday 11 May 2006
South Mississippi United for Peace is planning a silent vigil on the sidewalk North of the entrance to Coast Coliseum parking, about a dozen people with signs to call public attention to the cause of peace, on the occasion of President Bush speaking at the Coliseum for the Gulf Coast Community College commencement.
-- End --
Hope to see you there! :hi: