Letter To The American People.
Please hear our cry and call to action.
I am writing this letter my fellow-Americans as a call to action for abolishing the beating of school children in America. I heard Paula Flowe’s radio show about the Mississippi Lieut. Gov. I am the person who overheard what he said to a young Black American man who virtually was pleading to have school beatings brought to an end. I am a white man, mind you, but when I heard the young college age student say he had been beaten more than 50 times, I had to say something on his behalf.
While this young man protested outside of the State Capitol Building of Jackson, Mississippi, he stopped to approach our Lieutenant Governor , The Honorable Phil Bryant, who is an expected favor to win the Republican Nomination for Governor, and the governorship itself.
Apparently, the Lieutenant governor does not care about Mississippi school children. The young very dark-skinned Black man told him that 60,000 school kids of all races and diversity especially poor and black were the main targets of these Mississippi school beatings last school year.
Mr. Phil Bryant told the young man, “The only problem with public school teachers in Mississippi and education in general is that they are not beating them hard enough. School kids need it, it builds character and self esteem and discipline. When I become governor in a year and a half, I will celebrate my first week in office by issuing a proclamation celebrating school corporal punishment in schools in Mississippi. “
This man is expected to lead this state, but our young people will suffer under his leadership more than they are suffering under the leadership of the current Republican Governor in office at this time.
Please help us, America. It seems the Republicans in the south don’t care about the poor, the disadvantaged, or minorities, in fact they intend to do them increasingly more harm to them.
Please help and stop this insanity.
God bless America.
-George Wilkinson (Fictitious name; in the mist of racism.)
Dear Fellow-Americans,
Currently the bill, "Ending American School Corporal Punishment Act," HR 5628, has 21 of the 25 signatures needed by US Congressional Leaders for it to move onto its next stage.
Everyday now, more than 2000 school children are beaten and abused in US schools because 4 missing signatures and a little more "red tape" must be "hurdled" before having "sanctioned and lawless" school abuse banned in America.
All of the abuse targeted at our, primarily black, brown and disabled American school children, is a violation of their US citizen 14th amendment "equal protection" right; we don’t need a law passed--we need the existing protective laws extended to our children—however, we are forced to engage in the game of “politics” in order to meet their safety and nurturing needs.
This same right was violated when Black American men and women faced "lynch mobs" during that era in America. It was violated also when women of all races, prisoners and animals where sanctioned for smacks and beatings in the 20th century--please note: American animals have received "protective rights" from this harmful practice while our most disadvantaged American school children are still waiting.
Campaigning was necessary for helping lynch mob victims, women, prisoners and animals, though the 14th amendment law for protecting these groups was there for them all the time—however, unenforced. "White American males," particularly upper-class, are the single group in this country that has always had access to the “equal protection” clause without the need for a battle or campaign.
As Exec. Director of The Hitting Stops Here!, I implore all concerned Americans to partake in supporting our American school children in having US schools that are free of "sanctioned and lawless" child abuse.
The bill for ending this American scourge will expire if we fail to act quickly.
Our American school children are the last “rung” on the American Civil Rights ladder. Please participate in helping them reach it.
Contact me, Paula Flowe, to find out what the “needs" of the hour are. Our children so very much need the support of people who care.
Learn more and how you can help at our Message Board: HYPERLINK "http://www.thehittingstopshereurstory.com/messageboard/index.php" \t "_blank"
http://www.thehittingstopshereurstory.com/messageboard/index.php. Please send this letter to your friends and other contacts.
Thank you,
Paula Flowe, Exec. Director
The Hitting Stops Here!
A campaign for teaching kindness and respect in schools everywhere.
HYPERLINK "http://www.thehittingstopshere.com/webmail/src/compose.php?send_to=info%40thehittingstophere.com" \t "_blank" info@thehittingstophere.com
408.509.6835 (Text for most immediate response.)