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Jon8503 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-26-05 10:59 AM
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by Greg Palast

If we're going to start unplugging brain-dead Americans, Sean Hannity will lose half his listeners.

There's no telling where this will end. And whose fault is it that Terri Schiavo is lying in a coma? Come on, you know Who I'm talking about. Why picket those poor sods, the Schiavo family? Good Christians should be picketing the churches! I mean, there must be twenty million punters on their knees praying for this poor girl and Mr. God couldn't give a toss.

Is He deaf? Does He have something better to do? Is He off for the Easter holiday? And let me not mention that this Lord has been collecting billions from his faithful through his lieutenants like Pat Robertson. You know what "700 Club" stands for? Seven-hundred bucks a year. So where is Mr. Show-Me-the-Money now? Up in his high heaven watching re-runs of Charlie's Angels?

Let's face it. It's time Congress passed a law that says, either this Guy performs a couple of miracles -- no tricks -- or all His televangelists will be cut off the gimme gravy train.

Is this blog in bad taste? Compared to what? Compared to Congress passing a law to berate a bereaved family -- while bombs go off in Baghdad, while the President's Wall Street cronies are breaking into the social security vault, while Osama laughs himself sick every time the airport guards tell an old lady to take off her shoes?

Unplug the brain-dead? And leave the White House empty

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it ... We are in charge of our Attitudes"

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diddlysquat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-26-05 11:18 AM
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1. LINK?
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sam sarrha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-26-05 11:23 AM
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2. Terri isn't in a Coma, that involves brain waves, she has none, she is a
Edited on Sat Mar-26-05 11:28 AM by sam sarrha
waking Corpse. Only her waking brain stem center is working, she wakes up, although she is dead and goes to what appears to be sleep, with regular cycles.. but it is simply a primitive part of the brain stem that dies last, so if someone is revived between the time the Cortex dies and before the stem dies you get this condition. she has been dead for 15 years. this amounts to simply tormenting a corpse.

this why they bury corpses 6 feet deep. It used to scare the crap out of people before technological understanding of the phenomena.

What is missing in this case is the opportunity to inform the public of the dangers of BULIMIA and crash dieting, an OBLIGATION to the public of the NEW's media. and they failed miserably

only what we have now is ALL the TV media is owned by 4 Reich Wing Fascist corporations. It is now simply "Fascist Corporate Propaganda Media Theater"

even the term, "Minimally Conscious" does not always indicate cognative consciousness, just a reaction to light sound or pain. its The next big political power grab in/thru medicine/symantics/bad science/and the emotional religious power propaganda grinder.
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